Hey guys :)
I am on fire! These interviews just keep on coming! I hope you're enjoying them? I'd really appreciate feedback, also if anyone has any good questions they'd like to get answered? Send them along too.
Okay, this time, we've got the lovely Daniella from The F Blog. She's a Canadian, living in London, working as a Freelance stylist and blogger. Here's our interview...
How would you describe your style in 5 words?
Eclectic, vintage, black, juxtaposed and free.
What do you mean by juxtaposition?
As in mixing the unexpected; Feminine with masculine, pretty with ugly, etc. I also love doing the same with proportions.
Thats really cool :) What is the most expensive thing you own in your wardrobe?
Hmm, I think my Acne wedges. They cost me an extra $200 to have them shipped to Canada. So shitty!
NO WAY! $200 on shipping costs? Thats nuts! How about your favourite item in your wardrobe?
I think my vintage Ralph Lauren denim cut-offs. I wear them so much I think they might seriously disintegrate soon. Either those or my vintage motorcycle boots.
Do you ever come across days when you just cannot be bothered?
Not really; I like picking out something different and mixing and matching different things everyday. Plus I usually dress pretty laidback on a day to day basis so it's not a big deal really.
That's good I guess! What sort of thing catches your eye when you're out shopping?
At the moment, anything black and sheer. Also stuff with aztec-y prints. A good pair of denim shorts always catches my eye, I'm always looking for a new pair to diy- mainly because I know my favourite ones are going to fall apart soon.
The things that usually catch my eye are pieces that I know no one else will have- which is why I love shopping at markets and when I go travelling, etc.
Is that what your going to be wearing this summer? Sheer? What else...?
Yes lots of sheer as well as the aforementioned denim cut-offs. I've also been loving playsuits. I'm still trying to find the perfect floral one though... Anything easy and comfortable is what I'm leaning towards for the summer. A denim jacket is always good to have too. I have a vintage Levi's one and it's perfect for summer nights.
Lovely! What were you typically wearing 5 years ago?
Haha umm, I'm not really sure. I think I was in my last year of highschool, I went to a catholic school and I had to wear a uniform...
What was the uniform like? Was there anything you could style nicely and make do with?
Oh, no it was awful. A green and white plaid skirt and a white button down top. We lived for dress down days, which we had once a month!
Man! At least you got dress down days! We get none, ever! If something doesn't suit you do you like to style it on others?
Well I definitely style in a certain way. But of course it has to go with the story... As long as it's something I like (not necessarily something I would wear myself) I will use it. But I usually use clothes that are quite my "style." I think it's important as a stylist to be recognizable but not predictable.
Do you ever want to keep pieces for yourself then?!
Yes all the time! It's hard to give them back sometimes haha! It's usually the shoes... I am obsessed!
Ahh the obsession with shoes! I think every girl has that problem! :) Finally what are the five things you are lusting after at the moment?
Ah! Well I've just returned from Stockholm where I fell in love with the two toned "wedge wood" Minimarket shoes (again, a sucker for shoes, especially wedges). I'm also lusting after a pair of black strappy flat sandals from Whyred- I haven't bought any type of sandal in forever and I really need some! I am also hopelessly searching for the perfect pair of flares/bellbottoms (long live the 70's!!!). And for the last 2 things, any piece of jewelry (especially rings) from Pamela Love and a big black hat... I just can't seem to find the right one!
Thank you ever so much Daniella, it's been a pleasure chatting with you and talking fashion. I hope you find that big black hat and your beloved shorts don't disintegrate whilst you're out!
Hope all is well with you lovely lot?
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