Thursday, February 16, 2012

Style Profile: Natasha Fatah

style profile - natasha fatah
Photos courtesy of Natasha Fatah

This month's style profile is from Natasha Fatah who has a lovely, authentic writing style and wears colors and patterns in creative ways.  She's also a fellow cat owner! Now let's get to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog? 

Natasha: The blog has had two incarnations. I first started it in 2010 as a street style blog, profiling people I'd see, but that became too difficult to maintain. What inspired this latest incarnation of a personal style blog and journal came about because my dad got sick in February last year. He was diagnosed with cancer, and his tumor crushed his nervous system which meant he lost the ability to walk. He spent months in various hospitals. He's cancer free now, and well on his way to walking normally again soon. It was his ability to see joy and beauty even in the darkest moments, and the fact that my mother always dressed impeccably for him at the hospital, because she wanted to look beautiful for her husband, just strengthened my the belief that beautiful style and clothing is a source of inspiration. I get a lot of joy from dressing up and playing with colours and styles, and I wanted to share that joy in the blog. Life is short. Time to celebrate what we love.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Have you seen your style evolve since you started your blog? 

Natasha:  I would describe my style as playful, colourful, eclectic. I've only been working on the blog since November but I would say it's given me a boost of confidence to try different things, and take risks.  I don't think I would have worn a men's bow tie to work a year ago.  The blog gives me permission to experiment.

Shen Dove: Does your career at all impact the way you dress? How do you maintain your sense of style in the workplace? 

Natasha: My career definitely impacts how I dress. I'm a journalist, and I work in a creative space so we don't have a strict dress code. Pretty much anything goes, so I can try all sorts of things. However, if I'm going out to interview someone then I dress with respect in my mind. Respect for my guest, and respect for myself. I dress conservatively and modestly because I don't want my clothes and appearance to be a reason to not take me seriously.

Shen Dove: How has the city you live in influenced your style? If it hasn't you can explain why.

Natasha:  I live in Toronto, a city I absolutely love! But, let's face it - it can get pretty darn cold, so that impacts the way I dress - more practically, I always have to consider the weather. And because Toronto is such a ethnically diverse city, I feel free to wear clothing I've picked up in every corner of the world. If I want to wear a Pakistani or India kurta or tunic with jeans to work, nobody bats an eye. We really are an international city.

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Shen Dove: Spring is around the corner, is there anything that you are excited about wearing this spring? 

Natasha: Can't wait to wear open toed shoes, fun dresses, and neon yellow!

Shen Dove: Do you have any hobbies outside of blogging that you really enjoy? 

Natasha: I do a lot of writing - I know it's part of my profession - but I get a lot of joy from writing.  My husband and I are big movie buffs, we watch a lot of films, and he has introduced to tons of European movies and cinema, I've introduced him to Bollywood.

Shen Dove: Do you have any local shops or restaurants that you'd for recommend visitors to check out?

Natasha: You must go to Kensington Market, which is a neighbourhood filled with vintage and second hand stores, tons of places to eat and has a wonderful bohemian vibe.

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so what are they? 

Natasha: Modesty. My personal rule for a long time has been if I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it in front of my grandparents, I won't wear it out in public. There's enough skin out there, I think self-respect, dignity and modesty are undervalued.

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Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Natasha! Be sure to bookmark Natasha's blog to see her latest updates.

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