Monday, January 30, 2012

Black Gold Leopard

Black Gold Leopard

IFB has a new project : create your red carpet looks, it's about imagining what would you wear when you walk on red carpet. And I go to a classic, glamorous style with black, gold and a little bit leopard. I think I'm going crazy with leopard right now. I'm obsessed!!! And I think leopard still be great (and always) with black and gold. I love those colors. Looks so glamour, classy and sexy definitely.
I'm not a fan of a sleeveless dress, so I put a long sleeves dress and it's still look sexy right? Sexy is not about a big boobs or something else like that. Sexy is more in a smart way you speak, you talk, you do something, and enjoying your life. That's what I call sexy ;)


Cobalt and faux fur

Vest: swapped: T-neck: Old Navy; Jeans: H&M; Boots: Go Jane: Earrings: H&M


I don't wear turtlenecks as often as I used to, but they still come in handy even
during the mild winter weather we've had in DC.  
I'm short on words at the moment,'s to a positive and productive week!

Style Profile: Comme Coco

Comme Coco Style Profile 2
Images courtesy of  Jennifer of Comme Coco

This month's style profile is from Jennifer of Comme Coco.  Jennifer has a fab sense of style and her passion for blogging/fashion definitely come through in her writing.  Now let's get to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title? 

Jennifer: My blog title came to be when I was looking up quotes for my personal Facebook page. I rarely put up personal statuses and usually use quotes to convey the message that I want for that day. While looking up quotes, I stumbled upon Coco Chanel’s quotes and realized that I LOVED them all and could relate to them. So I decided to title the blog “Comme Coco” which is French (my 1st language) for Like Coco.  I did contemplate changing my blog name a few months back to ‘The J-Face’ which is the name given to the pouty face I always make in pics but was recommended not to because Comme Coco is synonymous with me now.  It's my brand lol.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Have you seen your style evolve since you started your blog? 

Jennifer: Wow, my personal style… well it's never really the same but the silhouettes I wear tend to stay the same (if that made ANY sense)! I dress with my moods.  I could care less about trends and what the magazines are telling me is "cute" or “in”… I will wear it as long as I WANT to.  Like overalls... I love overalls. When I was in high school I had overalls in EVERY color/fabric and silhouette. If I could find cute ones, I'd wear them now. With that said, I love menswear, rocker chic, and anything studded lol. I haven’t embraced the whole girly girl feminine look even though I think it looks A.MA.ZING on a lot of women, it's just not me.  If I wear something frilly, I almost ALWAYS have to toughen it up by throwing on a leather jacket or a studded belt or wearing it with combat boots or a newsboy hat. I don’t know why but it's just me lol.My style hasn’t really evolved much but I have found with having a blog that I have more of a “ I don’t give an “F,” I'm going to wear it anyway" mentality. I have definitely gained much more confidence from exposing myself daily on the internet (oops that sounded kinda bad huh).
Comme Coco Style Profile 3

Shen Dove: How has the city/town you live in influenced your style? If it hasn't please explain one or two factors that have influences your style.

Jennifer:  To be totally honest…DC has not influenced my style at all. I love this city more than anything, but I am still a Midwestern girl from East Lansing, MI (SPARTY ON!!).  Most of the clothes I wear on the blog are things I had in college or styles I've worn since college. I'm a sucker for really big flared jeans and wide legged pants. In college I had a MAJOR obsession with Silver Sisley and Charo jeans because of there extreme bell.. we are talking 24 inch opening.. SWOON!!! I'm still saving up moolah for the Elizabeth and James Extreme Jimi jeans… I am not super inspired by others when it comes to my style. Of course I read blogs and will see outfits in mags or even on the street and think “OH I like that a lot” and I may take something from that style but all in all, everything is me, myself and I. What truly inspires me is being happy with myself. There was a time when I wasn’t happy with myself and/or I had the wrong people around me who took advantage of my weak state and it made me sad a lot. I had a hard time figuring out who I was but once I did, my style was indestructible hahaha. Now that I am 110% ridiculously happy, it shows through my style. I think we are the masters of our style and we are the captains of our closets : )

Shen Dove: Spring will be here before you know it.  Are there any items that you are particularly excited about wearing next season? 

Jennifer: Knowing me, it's going to be the same stuff but but remixed.  I do like neon so I will probably throw in a little neon here and there but other than that, I'll probably wear the same old silhouettes that I am known for such as wide leg pants, body con skirts, layered tanks and leather…. I also want to use more accessories. I definitely will do the hippie handband thing around my head but of course I need to find a super A.MA.ZING studded one to wear.  I also love the Ralph Lauren collared halter shirts and definitely plan to wear one with an oversized bow tie. I do plan on changing up the materials/textures of what I own (wear more silk etc…).   OH and shoes… I SO NEED to upgrade my shoe game.  I can officially say it’s the WORST!!!!

Shen Dove: Do you have a non-blogging hobby that you really enjoy? Please tell us a bit about it. 

Jennifer: FOOTBALL!!! I love watching and playing football. About a year ago I started playing co-ed flag football and fell in love with it. I enjoy it so much that now I watch regular football even more. I think because I now understand the game a little bit more that it's far more fun to watch on TV. This season I started playing on an all-women flag football team as well and I’m SO GEEKED! Everyone thinks flag is pansy but oh little do they know, it's pretty much full contact without the pads. You really have to body up to pull flags sometimes. I have torn a ligament in my knee/broken a finger/ and had my jaw partially dislocated from it….. as crazy as it sounds, I'd love to play in the Lingerie Football League…yup I said it!

Shen Dove: Do you have one goal (blog related or non-blog related) that you plan to focus on in 2012? 

Jennifer: In 2012 my biggest blog related goal is to just reach out to more people outside of the US. I love the States but I love the welcoming nature of blog readers in Europe and Asia. They are so sweet and so stylish and not as competitive. As far as non-blog related, its' ALL ABOUT Facon Magazine for me.  I was just named the managing editor for Facon Magazine and it's my goal to help the magazine be even MORE successful than it's already destined to be. What could be better than a publication dedicated to emerging fashion? Yup, I'm waiting…lol.
Comme Coco Style Profile 1

Shen Dove: Do you have any DC area shopping suggestions or favorite restaurants you'd recommend that locals and visitors check out? 

Jennifer: I adore the Twig Thrift Store in Alexandria, Va and I also like Frugalista in Mt. Pleasant. As far as restaurants, I'm OBSESSED with Filomenas for Italian.  I just stumbled upon Urban Eats in Mt. Rainier and I adore it.  I'm planning on hosting my 4th blogger meetup there for the meetup group I founded.

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so what are they? 

Jennifer: Dress for yourself and your figure and you will ALWAYS be haute!Don't be a walking page out of a magazine.You are and can be stylish at ANY size.Always smile in whatever you wear because that is your BEST accessory (well that and a bomb ass leather jacket!!).

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Jennifer!  Be sure to bookmark Comme Coco to see the latest updates from this stylish lady.

The Beauty of LIFE

Hello my Lovely Blog Followers. It's been a while since I've been on. A lot has changed in the last year and I have nothing but great things in store for all of you. First of all, let me share with you what's been inspiring me as far as Fashion goes. Currently I'm into anything Furry, 1970's-ish, bold colors, platform wooden pumps, out of this world make-up and so on. Here are a few pictures I've been drooling over and cannot seem to GET OUT OF MY HEAD. Enjoy!!!









Photos: Via Fashiongonerouge

The 80's Madonna is coming back in effect. Big Hair as well too. Really Bold Eye Make-up and Full skirts are making their way back in all our closets..Can't wait to in pull outfits together from all these inspiring photos! Pure Lust!


Blogger Friends of Mine, Vintage Ashlee

I know her from a lovely, favorite fashion site around the world, Chictopia. First time I saw her style, my face looks like >> O.O
She's so awesome!! I love vintage. Really love it but still can't find the perfect vintage way for me. And this pretty girl absolutely become my favorite. Why should say no? Her curly fantastic hair are perfect natural accesories for vintage vibe. Her dresses? Don't ask. Just take a look at her photos and her blog and I'm pretty sure that you will love her at the first sight (especially if you vintage addicted).

Reading her lovely blog Faltering Bird making you want to read again, again and again. You can feel the deeply vintage on it and makes me want to see her pictures oftenly. Her photos are so lovely. The clothes, the photo itself. She know how to make a vintage style with her way and it's so lovely.

Take a look for her Chictopia's site too. Lovely!!

Source :

What to Wear: Valentine's day

Valentine's day is just in a few weeks, which means preparing the outfit, whether it’s watching romantic movies with your friends while eating ice cream or having a dinner with your couple. Every year I celebrate surrounded by my friends, we have a dinner and we watch movies.

The closest to a movie-kind Valentine's day I had was one February 14th when I woke up and my ex had left the biggest and most beautiful flower arrangement I’ve ever seen in my life (it was made of roses, my favorites). Really romantic. What has been your favorite Valentine's day so far?

Here’s the outfits:


Sorry I’ve been a bit absent this week. I started classes again, but mostly what keeps me busy it’s the magazine I work in. Finally this Thursday it’s going to be printed. I’m so nervous! I hope everything turns out fine.

Thank you so much for all your comments on my photography, and thank you for supporting this little blog. It already has its Facebook page, so go like it!



Sunday, January 29, 2012

Indonesian Young Designer, Rafi Abdurrahman Ridwan

Maybe it's a little bit late to share about this, but better late than never right? This is about Rafi Abdurrahman Ridwan, Indonesian new and young designer. He's just a 9th years old boy but he 's very talented in fashion designing! I knew him from a newspaper and I just felt, "Wow!"
I was so curious about his designs and when I got the pictures of them I felt so surprised! Is this really a boy who designed? Poor him, he is deaf,  but it doesn't matter for him and it doesn't discourage him to reach his dreams. Now he get a support form Lia Chandra Foundation so he can get his hearing again. Lia Chandra knows him when Rafi got colaborated with Barli Asmara at his fashion show for Rafi's birthday gift.
Take a look for some of Rafi's designs at Jakarta Fashion Week ( a lots of batiks!!) :

here's the boy!

Source :
pictures : Google
story : Nyata, 2112 edition

Saturday, January 28, 2012



It indeed has been a long time since I was awarded! Thank you Nessimava y Aa' menealle nauva calen ar' malta.

My fellow sister in Elvish needed an elvish phrase of thanks (well not necessarily of thanks, but I couldn't remember thankful phrases, so I just went with a blessing/farewell).

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to 15 other bloggers.

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to 10 other bloggers.

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 5 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 5 other bloggers

So Seven things about myself!
1.I like writing, but I am pretty bad at it.
2.I really like art, but that isn't one of my forte's either.
3.My favorite instrument is a Cello, but I don't play Cello.
4.I give almost everything a name.
5. I can write in elvish and speak a little in elvish without looking it up.
6. I have counted down the hobbit movie since November 2010.. Such.. a ... nerd...
7. I finally watched Downton Abbey, and I enjoyed it immensely!

I Award:
Anyone who wants it, If you don't already have these awards I encourage you to take them, this is an easy way to get out of *actually* posting when you have writer's block..

Unfortunately for me all I have been doing is writing my book.. Their is no time for blogging!

Friday, January 27, 2012

The room adventures

This is my room,
I am currently in that wooden swivel chair typing on that small black notebook laptop, staring at the screen with my panther picture from Discovery magazine over my white painted desk that seems to hold things that aren't really that neccesary.

That is my great grandmother's bed, on the right is the mirror that matches it. and nex to my bed is 2 books, a cable, and a completed theory test.

This is the *random* area that holds things of relative importance, but not of neccesity. Except for maybe the guitar.
The guitars name is Bernard, because he is huge. Behing Bernard is a picture of me when I was 5, and behind that is a hairbrush/comb/mirror set that also belonged to my great great grandma..

This is my dog, his name is Finnagan. He is an idiot but I love him. Finn is a Papillion (or toy spaniel) and acts more like a cat then a dog. He smells really bad all the time...

And in case you were wondering, this is the view from my desk.

Welcome to my rather messy closet, and the blue dress is the most used in there. Their are a ton of instruments all over my room. Next to my hoodie is my violin (his name is Filipe..) and the Mandablaster is next to bernard. Two electric violins take refuge in my closet, hidden nicely underneath my skirts.

And this next picture is my latest try at realistic art.. It is a lion and I like it, but I could have done something different with the background.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed looking into my room. You can tell the person by the room usually. Or at least some of the person.


In Christ
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