Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lemon Chicken

Hello lovelies :)
I'm super sorry about the slow-ish posting, I don't really have an excuse, but maybe the fact I've been wearing nothing of interest has something to do with it! I don't mean leggings and an old Vans tee, because sure enough, I'd blatantly post that; I mean I've been living in pyjamas recently which I'm sure you don't want to see!
I wore this on Wednesday night, when my family and I went out for a Chinese meal for my dads birthday, and as I'm trying my very hardest to be healthy, I had lemon chicken and boiled rice, instead of chow mein and pancakes and peaking duck and all the extras!

I went shopping today with my mama and sister, I got some yummy bits I'll be posting soon, OBVIOUSLY! I invested in more rings YAY and gave in to this gorgeous circular cage thingy necklace, which is ridiculously hard to explain...

Anyway enjoy the World Cup, I bet you're all too busy cooped up on the sofa with your Seasonal England tee on with your family and friends, waiting anxiously for England to score to bother reading my post! haha



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